Alanya Türkler Mahallesi 3+1 Apartment for Sale with 155 m² Usage Area
€ 185,000
ID: 37240
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Property Description

Alanya Türkler Mahallesi 3+1 Apartment for Sale with 155 m² Usage Area
Yosun Sitesi
Area: 155 m²
3rd Floor
B Blok

Located in Türkler Mahallesi, this apartment is located in B Block of Yosun Sitesi and offers a large and spacious living area. Designed as 3+1, our apartment has a total area of ​​155 m². Located on the 3rd floor, this apartment offers a comfortable life while providing easy access to the surrounding natural beauties. Drawing attention with its modern architecture and functional interior design, our apartment offers an ideal environment for family life. The quiet and safe environment of the site is a perfect option for those looking for a peaceful life. An opportunity not to be missed for both investment and living!

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