Alanya Bademağacı 6.5 decare mansion area for sale
€ 250,000
ID: 31299
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Property Description


Almond tree

6,540 m² title deed area

3 deeds

8,500 m² usage area


There are nearly 400 various fruit trees.

No problems with electricity, water, internet etc.

Drip irrigation system available

Water tank,

storage containers,

One 12×7.5 container for accommodation,

workshop container,

Closed animal shelters,

forest around

irrigation pool,

Recreation area made in the shape of a pyramid,

Income can be generated from mature fruit trees,

Beekeeping can be done,

Poultry farming can be done,

It can be thought of as a mansion in the forest,

sees the sea,

The front is open,

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