Garden Duplex for Sale in Alanya Büyükhasbahçe Neighborhood
€ 310,000
ID: 37324
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Property Description

Garden Duplex for Sale in Alanya Büyükhasbahçe Neighborhood

️ 3 rooms, 1 living room, 1 separate kitchen
2 bathrooms/WC
garden duplex
6-year-old building
⚡ generator
160 m²
‍ site attendant
‍♂️ pool
parking lot
no furniture
citizenship in one title deed

This garden duplex located in Alanya Büyükhasbahçe Neighborhood has 3 rooms, 1 living room, separate kitchen and 2 bathrooms/WC. The duplex, which is 160 m² in size, is located in a 6-year-old building. It has amenities such as generator, site attendant, pool and parking lot.

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