• As a rule, property buyers in Turkey need help not only at the stage of purchase, but also in the process of adapting to living and settling in a new home. We perfectly understand how important it is for our clients to have comprehensive support, trusting friendships during this period, and we hasten to assure you that after receiving TAPU, our cooperation with you does not end, but only begins. Employees of the DAISY HOMES ALANYA company are always in touch with their customers and are ready to help, advise, and also continue further interaction within the after-sales service.
  • Even 5 years after the purchase, you can call us and consult on any questions!

Our after-sales services include a range of useful options for owners:

Full management of residential and commercial real estate: preparation and leasing, provision of necessary furniture and appliances, payments of related costs and much more.

Construction of villas on a plot of land selected by the buyer.

Taking care of high-quality repair work by our own professional team.

Assistance in concluding contracts for public services, connecting water, electricity, internet, telephone, etc.

Payment of utility bills, taxes.

Cleaning service.

Registration of insurance policies for housing, medical services, land.

Advice and support in the execution of various banking services.

Assistance in obtaining a residence permit, Turkish citizenship, visa, notarial documents.

Organising of transfer from / to the airport.

Consultations on registration of children in school, kindergarten and much more.





As a licensed real estate agency,


will take care of your property and the comfort of your stay!

Still have questions about the procedure for buying a home in Turkey?

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